Human Systems

  1. 2. Muscles only ____
  2. 9. Air we breathe in travels to our ______
  3. 11. A system that lets us break down food and absorb its nutrients
  4. 12. Part of the digestive system, and produces acid to break down food
  5. 13. A system that allows us to move
  6. 14. Blood travels around in blood _______
  7. 15. A 'gate' that separates the windpipe and esophagus
  8. 16. Our _____ System
  9. 17. The thing that connects muscles to bones
  10. 18. The bits on bones that allow us to move
  11. 20. An organ in our head that controls our body
  1. 1. This organ that is also a muscle
  2. 3. An organ that absorbs liquid
  3. 4. Our muscular system is mainly made out of these
  4. 5. Bones that protect the vital organs in our body
  5. 6. The thing that connects bones together
  6. 7. A system that the body needs for us to breathe
  7. 8. We eat ____ to get energy
  8. 10. A bone that protects our brain
  9. 17. A muscle in our mouth that moves the food around
  10. 19. The thing we breathe in
  11. 20. The main components of our skeletal system