"Hunger For The Food Of Faithfulness" | John 4:27-34 Bible Study ✞-word Puzzle | 8.28.24
- 3. The account of the Samaritan woman at the well follows the account of Christ’s conversation with ___ at night (Jn 3:1f). No matter your race, gender, or socioeconomic status, you need to be born again (i.e., born from above/born of the Spirit (cf. Jn 3:3, 5, 7, 8, 31; Jas 1:17, 3:13-17; Eze 36:25-27)).
- 8. It is surprising that Jesus – a Jew – is speaking to a hated Samaritan, who is also a ____ (Jn 4:27). In this first-century Jewish context, it was considered inappropriate for a man to speak with a ___ in public.
- 10. (Three words) The message of the Master is a matter of ___ ___ ___ (Jn 3:36, 8:24, etc.).
- 11. Though His disciples return and urge Jesus to eat physical food, Jesus is more focused on ____ food (Jn 4:31-34; cf. Jn 6:26-27, 35).
- 12. As the Father ___ Jesus into the world to do His will, Jesus has ___ His disciples into the world to do His will (Jn 4:34; cf. Jn 17:18, 20:21).
- 1. (Three words) Though she does not completely understand, she is completely understood. And, like others in John, she urges others to ___ __ ___ about Jesus (Jn 4:29-30; cf. Jn 1:39, 41, 46).
- 2. Though we may crave physical food and fun, and thirst for earthly leisure and pleasure in the world, in the word, Jesus says “Blessed are those who ___ and thirst for righteousness, because they will be filled.” (Mt 5:6; cf. Jn 4:34; Ps 42:1).
- 4. Our spiritual food should be the work and ___ of God (Jn 4:34; cf. Dt 8:3; Ps 119:103; Jer 15:16; Eze 3:1-3; Mt 4:4).
- 5. Jesus says that His food is to ___ the work of God the Father (i.e., completing His God-given mission) (Jn 4:34; cf. Jn 19:30, 3:16-18).
- 6. After discussing spiritual ____ with the Samaritan woman (Jn 4:7-26; cf. Jn 7:37-39), Jesus tells His disciples about spiritual food (Jn 4:34; cf. Jn 6:35).
- 7. Jesus says that His food is to do the ___ of Him who sent Him (Jn 4:34; cf. Mk 14:36; Jn 6:38, 12:49).
- 9. Despite her past, the woman leaves her water ___ behind and spreads the good news about Jesus (Jn 4:28).