Hunger games

  1. 3. mentor
  2. 4. transport they use
  3. 6. protagonist hides in
  4. 9. protagonist's weapon
  5. 11. goes to hunger games (male)
  6. 12. when you are really hungry
  7. 14. what preparation do they do
  8. 16. protagonist
  9. 18. bubbly women
  1. 1. who's name first gets called out
  2. 2. what do they do to animals
  3. 3. the event
  4. 5. people working together in the games
  5. 7. protagonist favourite place
  6. 8. it's a type of bird
  7. 10. passing away
  8. 13. people nominated into going to the hunger games
  9. 15. place where they decided to have the games
  10. 17. what does PETA fake