From Hunters and Gatherers to Agricultural Society

  1. 6. The first crop.
  2. 7. In Africa, where does the human species begin?
  3. 8. The most complex structure in the universe.
  4. 9. The most important development of the early Stone Age.
  5. 11. Another name for the new stone age.
  6. 12. A community of people who share a culture.
  7. 13. A sequence of events.
  1. 1. Another word for farming is...
  2. 2. The study of layers of the earth.
  3. 3. This process made plants and animals useful for humans.
  4. 4. People who hunt and gather plants.
  5. 5. The idea of people with special skills and abilities.
  6. 10. This was a negative consequence of farming.