HYF super BIBLE crossword puzzle
- 2. of Nazareth
- 4. in the lion's den
- 7. former nomenclature saul
- 11. Mother of John
- 13. The Great
- 14. decieved Eve
- 16. Maternal figure of the savior
- 17. died and was resurrected by Jesus
- 21. wise king
- 22. strongest man
- 23. slayer of Goliath
- 1. betrayed Jesus with a kiss
- 2. the baptist
- 3. last Bible book
- 5. Arch angel
- 6. Paternal figure to John
- 8. prophesied to dry bones
- 9. youth chairman
- 10. words of wisdom
- 12. First Bible book
- 15. before Mark
- 18. character was tested by satan
- 19. built an ark
- 20. was sent to Nineveh