
  1. 3. In patients with controlled type 1 diabetes plasma concentrations are ___.1
  2. 6. A severe episode of hypoglycemia can sometimes result in ___.1
  3. 7. Risk factors are a result of relative or absolute ____ excess.1
  4. 8. Low rates of glucose ___ into circulation.1
  5. 9. Minimizing risks of hypoglycemia involves matching insulin action and glucose availability in how many steps? 1
  6. 10. What should patients with type 1 try to control? 1
  7. 12. What limits glucose use and mobile gluconeogenic precursors? 1
  8. 13. What type of hypoglycemia is the result of the interplay of therapeutic hyperinsulinemia and compromised defenses.1
  9. 15. One result of hypoglycemia is complications of the ___ .1
  10. 19. Patients with type 1 diabetes suffer about __ episodes a week of hypoglycemia.1
  11. 20. High rates of glucose ____ into circulation.1
  12. 22. Carbohydrates ingestion from symptoms are largely ___.1
  13. 23. What kind of shift do patients with poorly controlled plasma glucose concentrations need? 1
  14. 24. What is used in the treatment of hypoglycemia in patients? 1
  1. 1. Insulin preparations are _____ imperfect. 1
  2. 2. Diabetes are based on relative or absolute therapeutic ___.1
  3. 4. In one study of subcutaneous glucose sensing in type 1 glucose levels were ≤70 mg/dL 1.5 hours per ¬¬¬¬¬¬__.1
  4. 5. What is the result of interplay of relative or mild-to-moderate absolute therapeutic insulin excess and compromised physiological and behavioral defenses against falling plasma glucose concentrations in type 1. 1
  5. 11. A decrease in plasma glucose concentrations signal a ____ in insulin secretion. 1
  6. 14. Hypoglycemia is classified as ___ plasma glucose concentration that can cause harm to an individual.1
  7. 16. What type of hypoglycemia is a limiting factor in glycemic management? 1
  8. 17. Most episodes of hypoglycemia can be self-treated with __.1
  9. 18. A decrease in plasma glucose concentrations signal an increase in ____.1
  10. 21. What does Iatrogenic hypoglycemia result in with people who have a problem with Type 1 diabetes.1
  11. 25. What is not an appropriate goal in patients with type 1 diabetes? 1