
  1. 2. Self-report of hypoglycemia is affected by ____ of patient recall. 2
  2. 7. Diabetes ___ can increase the risk of hypoglycemia. 2
  3. 9. Risk of hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetes in influenced by patient and __ factors. 2
  4. 13. Severe hypoglycemia can cause severe ___ impairment. 2
  5. 15. Having a ___ can help prevent hypoglycemia. 2
  6. 17. Patients treated with what have a higher self-report rate of hypoglycemia. 2
  7. 21. High risk medications for hypoglycemia are insulin and ____.2
  8. 26. Hypoglycemia is classified as ___ plasma glucose concentration that can cause harm to an individual.1
  9. 27. A severe episode of hypoglycemia can sometimes result in ___.1
  10. 30. This type of hypoglycemia has a blood glucose >70 mg/dL. 2
  11. 31. A decrease in plasma glucose concentrations signal a ____ in insulin secretion. 1
  12. 32. Factors that increase risk of hypoglycemia is food ___.2
  13. 34. In the healthcare system, they focus on ___ HbA1C. 2
  14. 37. Engaging patients in ___ can help prevent hypoglycemia. 2
  15. 38. Risk factors are a result of relative or absolute ____ excess.1
  16. 39. What is the result of interplay of relative or mild-to-moderate absolute therapeutic insulin excess and compromised physiological and behavioral defenses against falling plasma glucose concentrations in type 1. 1
  17. 41. Financial ___ increases risk of hypoglycemia. 2
  18. 44. High rates of glucose ____ into circulation.1
  19. 47. What type of hypoglycemia is the result of the interplay of therapeutic hyperinsulinemia and compromised defenses.1
  20. 48. This type of hypoglycemia has symptoms such as absence of blood glucose measurements. 2
  21. 49. In one study of subcutaneous glucose sensing in type 1 glucose levels were ≤70 mg/dL 1.5 hours per ¬¬¬¬¬¬__.1
  1. 1. A limiting factor for a patient to bring a hypoglycemia even to medical attention is access to ___. 2
  2. 3. What is used in the treatment of hypoglycemia in patients? 1
  3. 4. Carbohydrates ingestion from symptoms are largely ___.1
  4. 5. Every approach to identifying hypoglycemia has ____.2
  5. 6. Insulin preparations are _____ imperfect. 1
  6. 8. Future hypoglycemia can be predicted by __ hypoglycemia. 2
  7. 10. Patients with type 1 diabetes suffer about __ episodes a week of hypoglycemia.1
  8. 11. In patient’s self -reported events varied ___.2
  9. 12. One result of hypoglycemia is complications of the ___ .1
  10. 14. Glucose monitoring ___ risk of hypoglycemia. 2
  11. 16. What should patients with type 1 try to control? 1
  12. 18. Most hypoglycemia events occur ___ a healthcare system. 2
  13. 19. What health conditions increase hypoglycemia risk? 2
  14. 20. What does Iatrogenic hypoglycemia result in with people who have a problem with Type 1 diabetes.1
  15. 22. What limits glucose use and mobile gluconeogenic precursors? 1
  16. 23. A decrease in plasma glucose concentrations signal an increase in ____.1
  17. 24. Diabetes are based on relative or absolute therapeutic ___.1
  18. 25. Minimizing risks of hypoglycemia involves matching insulin action and glucose availability in how many steps? 1
  19. 28. What type of hypoglycemia is a limiting factor in glycemic management? 1
  20. 29. This type of hypoglycemia requires another person’s assistance for recovery after treatment. 2
  21. 33. Hypoglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes is ___. 2
  22. 35. Low rates of glucose ___ into circulation.1
  23. 36. What is not an appropriate goal in patients with type 1 diabetes? 1
  24. 39. What kind of shift do patients with poorly controlled plasma glucose concentrations need? 1
  25. 40. A glucose level __ than 70mg/dL is an alert value. 2
  26. 42. Fear of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia can __ risk of hypoglycemia. 2
  27. 43. What kind of health literacy can increase the risk of hypoglycemia? 2
  28. 45. In patients with controlled type 1 diabetes plasma concentrations are ___.1
  29. 46. Most episodes of hypoglycemia can be self-treated with __.1