
  1. 1. An example of insulin therapy
  2. 5. is a common symptom and is can be hard to identify as a symptom
  3. 7. blood glucose levels above the normal range
  4. 12. Hypoglycemia can damage this organ
  5. 13. Hypoglycemia can cause this cardiovascular symptom of an irregular heart beat.
  6. 16. a key component in regulating glycemic control
  7. 18. Strict glycemic control can help reduce diabetic __ Disease
  8. 20. in elderly patients hypoglycemia is often attributed to ___ events
  9. 21. a negative experience with a hypoglycemic episode can impact __ to control blood sugar management
  10. 23. cells in the body that are programmed to release insulin
  11. 27. A possible side effect that is characterized by an increase in heart rate
  12. 30. blood sugar levels can be hard to keep in check because amount of insulin needed can
  13. 33. diabetes is also considered a __ disease
  14. 36. hypoglycemia cardiovascular consequence can influence the __ pulse
  15. 38. sever hypoglycemia is seen in patients with
  16. 39. the unseen lasting impact on patients suffering from hypoglycemia
  17. 40. Hypoglycemia can cause impaired formation of
  18. 41. severe hypoglycemia can cause a increase risk in mortality from __% upto 600%
  19. 42. Type __ diabetes is characterized by the bodies incapability to produce insulin
  20. 43. Many patients develop a __ about episodes and can develop anxiety.
  21. 48. what age group is more susceptible to persistent hypoglycemia after a hypoglycemic event
  22. 49. A type of Hypoglycemia that is defined by an episode needing the assistance of some one else
  23. 50. Glucagon is secreted from __ cells
  1. 2. sometimes are symptoms are___ and go unnoticed
  2. 3. the measurement of blood glucose where treatment is needed (mmol/L)
  3. 4. Can have a impact on the bodies response to hypoglycemia
  4. 6. Acute consequence of hypoglycemia can be Symptomatic ____
  5. 8. Hypolycemia can lead to __ behavior
  6. 9. it is important to __ blood glucose levels to prevent episodes of hypoglycemia
  7. 10. patients with multiple incidents of severe hypoglycemia will have an in crease in __ levels
  8. 11. Hypoglycemia can lead to a loss in
  9. 14. the bodies normal physiological hormone response to hypoglycemia
  10. 15. Hypoglycemia has a large non-Physiological impact on patients
  11. 17. Counting __ can help diabetics plan a flexible diet and prevent hypoglycemic episodes
  12. 19. Hypoglycemia be caused by a side effect of this diabetes medication
  13. 22. a possible side effect that is characterized by an decrease in heart rate
  14. 24. Loss of __ can be seen with hypoglycemia
  15. 25. Blood glucose concentration below the normal range
  16. 26. multiple events of hypoglycemia can lead to intelectual capacity __
  17. 28. is a serious potiential consequence
  18. 29. Glycemic __ is key to preventing episodes of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.
  19. 31. __ in nine different genes can cause problems regulating insulin secretion
  20. 32. the most severe potential consequence of hypoglycemia
  21. 34. the main cause for hypoglycemia are therapies that lower
  22. 35. a __ diagnosis is key to preventing brain damage
  23. 37. Hypoglycemia unawareness is very commonly found in children under the age of
  24. 44. Impaired __ and glucagon response is seen in those suffering from hypoglycemia because of a decrease in the glycemic threshold for actions.
  25. 45. Hypoglycemia unawareness is defined by the on set of
  26. 46. Over 50 % of sever hypoglycemic episodes occur at
  27. 47. Type __ diabetes Has more common severe hypoglycemia