I Have A Dream

  1. 6. Taking gradual steps to achieve a goal
  2. 8. Placed at a high or powerful level
  3. 9. Remarkably or progressively great
  4. 12. Not able to take away from or give away
  5. 15. A set of beliefs that guide one's actions
  6. 17. Grow weak or feeble
  7. 20. Desserted of people
  1. 1. Forced to leave your native country
  2. 2. small settlement, Shakespeare play
  3. 3. Fertile location in desert with water
  4. 4. Opressively hot
  5. 5. Acting to save someone from evil
  6. 7. Person committed to a cause
  7. 10. Being aggressively active in a cause
  8. 11. Holy
  9. 13. a signed written document
  10. 14. To give life and energy to
  11. 16. Shackles or chains
  12. 18. To sink into a low moral state
  13. 19. Chop or cut something