I4 U2

  1. 4. Glass is one of the first human ______ .
  2. 5. She is so _______ to her job that she has no social life.
  3. 6. Floods, earthquakes, and typhoons are natural ________ that cause great damage or loss of life.
  4. 8. When you _______ something, you look for the size or quantity of it.
  5. 9. Usually words have _______ meanings. That's why you should study them in context.
  6. 11. All proceeds from the 3K Run will be _______ to charities.
  7. 12. Facts and information are examples of _______.
  1. 1. Computers ________ information very quickly.
  2. 2. Her ________ came to Greece in the early 1800s.
  3. 3. Everybody was excited about the _______ holiday.
  4. 7. The terrible news _______ everybody in the family.
  5. 10. A _______ friend is a faithful friend.