Ian Maddox Library, Museum and Archive. Crossword No. 2
- 3. Like us and not Christian
- 6. Wine
- 10. A kindly word, visiting Brothers
- 12. Must rise
- 13. Off to what
- 15. Double Cube
- 18. Industry
- 20. Under the eaves
- 21. Fifth science
- 22. Psalms 118:22
- 23. Capra aegagrus hircus
- 1. not government or human law
- 2. JW
- 4. Corn
- 5. B & J Zodiac (Speculative)
- 6. Circum amblulare
- 7. Innocence and Beauty
- 8. Grand Lodge not formed until 1736
- 9. 609.6mm (pouces) over 3
- 10. Goose and Gridiron
- 11. Revelation 21:16
- 14. Recognition or Respect
- 16. WM, JW, SW
- 17. Within lodge, vouching for assent
- 19. King of Israel