ICT Key Words

  1. 3. definition (HD) The picture on a TV screen is made of lines of pixels. In a conventional TV there are 625 lines, which are refreshed 25 times per second. HD has either 720 or 1080 lines, so it produces a clearer sharper picture.
  2. 5. Wireless fidelity. It is similar to Bluetooth in that it is used to exchange data, but the signals can travel further distances.
  3. 6. phone A phone offering advanced features, e.g. the ability to send emails, surf the Internet.
  4. 7. This technology is used to make telephone calls via the Internet, usually at a cheaper cost.
  5. 8. A wireless communication technology that conforms to the Bluetooth computing and telecommunications industry specification. This specification describes how mobile phone, landline phones, computers, and mobile devices can easily exchange information by using a short-range wireless connection.
  6. 10. A combination of different content types such as text, audio, still images, animation and video.
  7. 12. (Value Added Tax) A charge added to most goods and services in the UK. The standard rate of VAT charged is currently 17.5%. However, the rate of VAT does sometimes change so it is important that it is easy to change this in your spreadsheet.
  8. 13. A program designed to cause other programs on a computer to malfunction or stop working altogether.
  9. 14. (Personal Identification Number) A type of password applied to a credit or debit card.
  10. 16. Small text files that are sent to your computer from certain websites. They track your behaviour and transactions.
  11. 19. Gives the creator of an original work exclusive rights regarding that work for a certain period of time, including its publication, distribution and adaptation.
  12. 22. The physical parts of a computer system, e.g. the CPU and the devices connected to it.
  13. 23. Symbols, characters, images and numbers are all types of data. When data is processed and acquires meaning it becomes information. Computers process data to produce information.
  1. 1. The process of obscuring information to make it unreadable without special knowledge.
  2. 2. networking site An online community where people can communicate and share information.
  3. 3. A venue that offers a WiFi Internet connection. Many are located in hotels and restaurants and lots of them are free.
  4. 4. A system designed to prevent unauthorised access to your computer when connected to a network such as the Internet.
  5. 8. The amount of data that can fit through an Internet connection. You can compare it to a ten-lane motorway which can fit more cars on it than a four-lane motorway. Bandwidth is measured in bits per second (bps). This indicates the number of bits of information that can fit down the line in one second. Kb or Kbps means thousands of bits per second; Mb or Mbps means millions of bits per second.
  6. 9. generation (3G) Third-generation wireless communication allows high-speed wireless data transfer.
  7. 11. (Secure Sockets Layer) A method of encrypting data to provide security for communications over networks such as the Internet. TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a later version of SSL.
  8. 15. (Internet Protocol) The personal address of your computer (just like your home address), so that servers know where to send the information you have requested.
  9. 17. Nav A device, usually used in a car, that gives directions based on information received from a series of satellites.
  10. 18. Programs that give instructions to a computer and which allow the user to carry out different tasks.
  11. 20. positioning system (GPS) A navigational system used in many devices which gives current location, directions from current location to specified destination and distance from current location to specified destination using signals from satellites. Assisted GPS (AGPS) is a technology that has been built into mobile phones. When the signal between a mobile phone and satellites is weak, the signal is diverted to mobile masts which identify the phone's exact location and allow the user to carry on using the feature.
  12. 21. A program that appears legitimate but which performs some harmful activity when it is run. It may be used to locate password information, or make the system more vulnerable to future entry, or simply destroy programs or data on the hard disk drive. A trojan is similar to a virus except that it does not replicate itself. It stays in the computer doing its damage or allowing somebody from a remote site to take control of the computer. Trojans often sneak in attached to a free game.