ICT Secondary Review (Crossword Puzzle)

  1. 2. RAM stands for Random-______ Memory.
  2. 6. A proper ____-down is required to safely turn off a computer.
  3. 7. Google Chrome is a commonly used web-_______.
  4. 9. ________ cables are used for connecting devices in a wired local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN).
  5. 10. Microsoft __________ is used to create slides and presentations.
  6. 12. Common video interfaces/cables include VGA, DVI, ____ and DisplayPort.
  7. 13. USB stands for Universal ______ Bus.
  8. 14. The part the cools off the CPU is called the heat-____.
  1. 1. _________ is a short-range wireless technology standard that is used for exchanging data between fixed and mobile devices over short distances.
  2. 3. Online _________ is an important behavioural aspect to uphold when using the internet and social media.
  3. 4. CPU stands for _______-processing unit.
  4. 5. GPU stands for ________ Processing Unit.
  5. 6. SSD stands for _____-State Drive.
  6. 8. The person sending the email.
  7. 11. A ______ is a device used to capture videos or images that can be useful for a live video call.