Icy Guesses

  1. 1. I make you look funny, but I'm useful.
  2. 4. You make me all day long, I'm cold construction work.
  3. 5. I'm useful, but quiet the world.
  4. 9. Winters unlimited weapon
  5. 11. All the animals do ______ during winter.
  6. 12. Your mother makes you put me on.
  7. 15. I grow towards the ground.
  8. 16. Winter sweetest treat.
  1. 2. I fall but never get hurt.
  2. 3. I slip and slide.
  3. 6. I'm a man with no bones, my flesh, is so cold
  4. 7. My stripes are slanted.
  5. 8. You most likely will forget me.
  6. 10. I'm considered the 'kissing' plant.
  7. 13. I'm very gross when you buy me at a store, I'm great homemade.
  8. 14. I can be made into anything.
  9. 15. I'm slippery when black.