IELTS Crime words

  1. 5. Ordinary people in a court who decide if someone is guilty
  2. 8. A person who commits a crime
  3. 9. The act of stopping something from happening
  4. 12. Being put in prison (noun)
  5. 14. To make someone not want to do something
  6. 15. The laws or codes made by a parliament
  1. 1. Someone who is guilty of a crime. A criminal
  2. 2. To do something, especially something illegal
  3. 3. A feeling of having done something wrong
  4. 4. The person hurt as a result of a crime
  5. 6. A punishment where the criminal pays money
  6. 7. A punishment where someone must behave well to avoid prison
  7. 10. To change someone back to a good person
  8. 11. A sense of fairness or balance
  9. 13. Verb - to decide that someone is guilty of a crime.