IEW Phrases and Vocabulary

  1. 3. to force, drive, or urge
  2. 6. far reaching or in great amount
  3. 7. deeply upset or agitated
  4. 9. to make a firm decision
  5. 11. to achieve success; to thrive
  6. 12. firmly holding a purpose or opinion; stubborn
  7. 18. to endure despite difficulty
  8. 19. What do we call the time and place of a story?
  9. 20. to form a notion or idea
  10. 21. filled with horror or dismay
  11. 24. to lessen
  12. 27. to admit to be real or true
  13. 28. with deep respect
  14. 29. working well with little waste
  15. 32. also known as a KWO
  16. 34. to write the first form of something (verb); a drawing, sketch, or design (noun)
  17. 36. skillfully or cleverly
  18. 39. the end of the basic 5 paraph essay
  19. 40. a pursuit to find or obtain something
  20. 41. to take for granted or suppose
  21. 42. go/went, say/said, good/bad, pretty, big, small
  22. 44. to face in hostility or defiance
  1. 1. terrible or disgraceful
  2. 2. to waste recklesly
  3. 4. to become less violent or intense
  4. 5. How do you label a dress up in a paper?
  5. 8. words allowed in a KWO
  6. 10. highly respected
  7. 13. motionless with amazement or terror
  8. 14. to understand the depth of something
  9. 15. also known as a VSS
  10. 16. exhausting or demanding
  11. 17. something accomplished by great courage or effort
  12. 22. to come upon unexpectedly or in conflict
  13. 23. with much care and effort
  14. 25. to be uncertain or unsteady; to swing back and forth
  15. 26. to long for or aim for ambitiously
  16. 30. determined ahead of time
  17. 31. to anger; to arouse to action or feeling
  18. 33. a strong, fast movement forward
  19. 35. a change
  20. 37. filled with wonder or amazement
  21. 38. uselessly or unsuccessfully
  22. 43. (no periods)a clause that uses when, while, where, as, since, if, although, because