IIM And LD Module

  1. 2. If the caller does not have a loan #, what system can you use to find it?
  2. 5. Before you can request a Procedure Packet, you must check ______ _______ to confirm the investor/loan type.
  3. 7. You can search IIM using the * symbol, called the _______.
  4. 12. If you are speaking with a borrower, you must confirm the contact information under ______ ________ ________.
  5. 15. This tab shows all the events on the claim and is only for processors.
  6. 19. This tab in the module shows the checks that have been endorsed and released.
  7. 21. We send the procedure packet on the _________ tab.
  8. 23. This tab is a history of all checks that have been associated with the claim.
  9. 24. After you have opened the claim in the Module, you navigate to ______ ________ to verify the account.
  10. 25. To add the inspection to the Module, you go to the __________ ___ on the sidebar.
  11. 26. Where we put notes in the module.
  1. 1. To properly open a new claim, once we choose the client and put in the loan number, we must hit the _________ icon.
  2. 3. The section on the transactions page where we released funds is the ______ transactions.
  3. 4. The tab you go to to open a new claim
  4. 6. In claim documents U stands for _____.
  5. 8. The tab in the module that shows the draws that have been disbursed.
  6. 9. We find documents in the module here.
  7. 10. The section on the transactions page where we received funds is the ______ transactions.
  8. 11. We typically search for claims using the ____.
  9. 13. This is another place we can look for authorizations on the claim detail page.
  10. 14. In claim documents P stands for _____.
  11. 16. In claim documents S stands for _____.
  12. 17. Stamp and go checks will always be on ____ until they are mailed out.
  13. 18. When a claim is closed we must _____ to notate the call.
  14. 20. The screen you see when you first sign into the module
  15. 22. Where do you put the check amount in the Claim Detail box?