Iliad Background Info

  1. 3. Wife of Zues
  2. 5. Greek's greatest hero
  3. 10. Supreme leader of the Greeks (at Troy)
  4. 12. Apollo's sister
  5. 13. a story with familiar characters
  6. 14. God of war
  7. 17. God of love and temptation
  8. 19. God of the sea and natural disasters
  9. 20. God of death and the underworld
  1. 1. "God from the machine"
  2. 2. The inevitable (Unchangeable)
  3. 4. God of wisdom
  4. 6. Father of the gods
  5. 7. Leader of the gods and Olympians
  6. 8. God of fire and metal work (Son of Hera)
  7. 9. Where the Iliad takes place
  8. 11. The code which conducts all of Homer's characters
  9. 15. God of the plague
  10. 16. The being before the gods
  11. 18. Domain of the gods