Image Analysis Key Terms

  1. 1. Outline of an anatomic structure
  2. 3. Motion that patient is unable to control
  3. 4. Kilovotage peak (kVp) that will provide adequate body part penetration and sufficient gray scale
  4. 8. Determines maximum time that the AEC x-ray exposure will be allowed to continue
  5. 9. Sthenic is example
  6. 10. Foot end of patient
  7. 11. Technique whereby object-image receptor distance (OID) is increased to reduce amount of scatter radiation reaching IR
  8. 12. Decreased size of one axis of a structure
  9. 13. Philosophy used to guide good radiation exposure practices
  10. 16. How differently each tissue composition type will absorb photons
  11. 17. Plane that divides the body into equal left and right halves
  12. 19. Filter used to remove photons from the beam to produce uniform density
  13. 23. Sharpness of structures
  14. 27. Misrepresentation of size or shape of structure
  15. 28. Absorbed dose to the most superficial layers of skin
  16. 29. Results of poor central ray and grid alignment
  17. 30. Number of gray shades used to represent different image structures
  18. 31. Device used to reduce amount of scatter radiation reaching the image receptor (IR)
  19. 32. Law used to adjust milliampere-second (mAs) to maintain density when source-image receptor distance (SID) is changed
  20. 34. Preventing passage of x-radiation
  21. 36. Diseases that cause the structure to be more radiolucent
  22. 37. Movement that bends a joint
  23. 38. Diseases that cause tissues to increase in mass density or thickness
  1. 1. Act of throwing a structure
  2. 2. Contrast caused by x-ray attenuating characteristics of subject
  3. 3. Device that receives radiation leaving patient
  4. 5. Plane that divides the body into equal parts
  5. 6. Head end of patient
  6. 7. Biologic response of radiation exposure directly related to dose received
  7. 14. Shortest exposure time to which the automatic exposure control (AEC) can respond
  8. 15. Results of using an angled central ray while part and IR remain parallel
  9. 18. Maximum permissible radiation dose limits
  10. 20. System that automatically determines image density by stopping exposure
  11. 21. Chamber in AEC system that collects radiation
  12. 22. Radiation that has changed in direction from primary beam
  13. 23. Allowing passage of x-radiation
  14. 24. Ability to differentiate details from one another on an image
  15. 25. Law that states that radiation intensity is inversely proportional to square of its distance from x-ray source
  16. 26. Absorption of radiation in heel of anode, causing less radiation intensity at anode end of IR
  17. 33. Gown snap on an image
  18. 35. Position in which the patient lies on a cart and a horizontal beam is used
  19. 36. Situated far from the source or beginning