Immigration and Urbanization

  1. 2. Type of violence experienced by immigrants as a result of immigration policies.
  2. 4. Chains of densely populated areas that extend over long stretches of space.
  3. 7. Urban areas with at least 10 million people.
  4. 8. The Great ______: Movement of millions of African Americans, from 1900 to 1970, into cities outside the south.
  5. 10. The largest number of new immigrants come from India, Mexico, the Philippines, El Salvador, and ______
  6. 11. A group that hold values and engage in activities that separate them from wider society.
  7. 13. _____ Capital: Tight connections that people form with each other through organizations, civic life, and strong social ties.
  8. 15. Practice of outlining in red any sections of a city that were considered “risky” and rejecting loan applications in that area
  9. 16. _____ Cities: Major urban areas that serve as nodes for the worldwide network of economic activity.
  1. 1. Movement of products, services, and information across national and continental boundaries.
  2. 3. Social _____: Various types of connections that individuals form with other people, no matter where they’re located.
  3. 5. Migration of Whites out of central city neighborhoods and into suburban communities (2 words)
  4. 6. Ethnic ______: Section of a city where the local culture and labor market are dominated by a single ethnic group.
  5. 7. Chicago New York, and ______ have the highest levels of segregation between Black and white people
  6. 9. More than ___ million African Americans left the south between 1900-1970
  7. 12. Unique ways of life found in cities.
  8. 14. Growth in the proportion of a nation’s population living in cities.