Immune and Respiratory System Puzzle

  1. 4. inflammation of lungs caused by bacterial or viral infection
  2. 7. provides body cells with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide
  3. 13. clear liquid that surrounds body cells and circulates in lymph vessels
  4. 14. germs that cause disease
  5. 15. guard against inhaled microbes
  6. 17. microscopic, thin walled air sacs covered with capillaries at the end of bronchioles
  7. 19. inflammation of bronchi
  8. 20. inflammatory condition where trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles are narrowed
  9. 21. destroys walls of alveoli
  1. 1. main airways that reach into each lung
  2. 2. contagious bacterial affecting the lungs
  3. 3. specialized white blood cells in the lymph
  4. 5. control immune system by activating B and T cells
  5. 6. release toxins that prevent infections from spreading
  6. 8. filter air and destroy microorganisms
  7. 9. site of maturation for T-cells
  8. 10. produce antigens and defense proteins
  9. 11. inflammation of tissues that line the sinuses
  10. 12. major site for filtering blood
  11. 16. usually the cause of emphysema
  12. 18. contracts and relaxes to allow air into lungs