- 8. Stimulation with a specific antigen to induce an immune response which is either natural by infection or artificial by vaccination.
- 12. Contain pathogens that have reduced virulence.
- 13. Antibody produce in type 1 hypersensitivity.
- 20. Immune system fails to protect body from infections.
- 22. Is the interval during which antibodies are first produced and rise to detectable levels
- 25. A disease associated with the excessive thyroid activity as a result of the auto-antibodies reactions
- 26. It is the process to made person resistant to an infectious disease.
- 30. Antibodies produced by one species of an organism can react with an entirely different specie
- 32. The ability of a test to detect very small amounts of a substance
- 33. A disease associated with recurrent thrombosis
- 34. Location of positive selection.
- 36. The sum of the individual affinities.
- 37. Is not from type I Hypersensitivity Mechanism.
- 38. Inhibits virus from integrating with human cells.
- 39. Diagnosis of Type-I hypersensitivity.
- 1. Is the faith of those thymocytes whose TcR cannot bind self-MHC.
- 2. A disease caused by bacteria (Spirochete) named Borrelia burgdorferi.
- 3. A vaccine containing bacterial surface antigens, joined to a protein.
- 4. The strength of binding between a single antigenic determinant and an individual antibody
- 5. Excessive, undesirable reactions produced by the normal immune system.
- 6. Specific immunologic unresponsiveness to self-antigen.
- 7. Abnormality is resulted in the absence of the thymus.
- 9. Is associated with type I hypersensitivity.
- 10. A disease of skeletal muscle characterized by normal fatigue and extreme weakness after mild exercise
- 11. A disorder caused by immune reactions against the own(self) body tissue
- 14. Refers to excessive, undesirable reactions produced by the normal immune system.
- 15. Hypersensitivity that is mediated by T cells and has no antibodies involved.
- 16. Is resulted from exposure X-rays.
- 17. Immune complex mediated hypersensitivity.
- 18. A joint inflammation mainly affecting the spine
- 19. Long-lived functional unresponsiveness cells.
- 21. Cells are present self-peptide in negative selection.
- 23. Is the treatment for immunodeficiency.
- 24. An autoimmune disease of central nervous system (CNS), where the auto- antibody is directed to the antigen of myelin sheath
- 27. Location of T cell central tolerance.
- 28. A venereal disease caused Treponema pallidum.
- 29. A disease caused by deposition of the immune complexes in the joints that induce the immune response
- 31. Is feature of Acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
- 33. Chemicals added to increase the effective immunogenicity
- 35. Location of B cell central tolerance.