Immunology Fun

  1. 4. IFN, TNF AND il4
  2. 5. syndrome characterized by defects in lymphocyte apoptosis
  3. 6. K562 cell
  4. 9. result correlates with activation of T &/or B cells
  5. 13. RPMI without FBS
  6. 14. can be used as an index of diabetes control
  7. 15. AMR
  8. 16. Venom from this snake used in special coagulation
  9. 18. used to chart trends
  10. 19. heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
  11. 20. membrane associated glycoprotein found in stem cells
  12. 21. expressed in cytoplasmic granules of CTLs and NKs
  13. 22. a canto weekly setup procedure
  14. 24. oxidative burst assay may detect this disease
  15. 25. radioisotope used in NK test
  16. 26. biopsy needle
  1. 1. also known as forkhead BoxP3
  2. 2. to credit a test in cerner
  3. 3. this cell could be in a mystery novel
  4. 4. HPL___: method used for Hb fractions
  5. 7. LU
  6. 8. used in manual cell counts
  7. 9. SLAM-associated protein
  8. 10. this intracellular protein causes WAS
  9. 11. PHA
  10. 12. CD4 positive memory cells that produce the cytokine IL17A
  11. 17. intravascular hemolysis is a prominent clinical feature of this disease
  12. 19. hematology oncology
  13. 23. MQ
  14. 27. blind proficiency