Immunology Practical Comprehensive May 2023

  1. 4. The broad class of drugs that help in organ transplantation
  2. 5. The group of enzymes involved in apoptosis
  3. 8. The chemical widely used for fixing the sample in IHC
  4. 9. Interaction between the antibody and soluble antigen
  5. 10. The immunotechnique used to quantify protein expression following electrophoresis
  6. 12. Increased hunger condition incase of uncontrolled diabetes
  7. 13. The most widely used counterstain in chromogenic IHC
  1. 1. The microscopy based technique used to check expression of proteins on cell surface
  2. 2. The complement pathway activated due to antigen-antibody complex
  3. 3. An autoimmune disease that results in deposition of Ag-Ab complex at different sites of the body
  4. 6. Interaction between antibody and particulate antigen
  5. 7. The antigenic helper in a vaccine
  6. 11. Spectrophotometry based technique to quantify antigen