Imperial China

  1. 3. During which dynasty was the canal lock invented?
  2. 5. What century did the Chinese start making paper?
  3. 8. What was the first weapon made with gunpowder?
  4. 11. What is a highly complex body of workers with many levels of authority called?
  5. 13. The Chinese invent the compass before the C.E. or during the C.E.?
  6. 15. What is rule by officials of proven merit called?
  7. 17. What was one of Imperial China's groundbreaking medical discoveries?
  8. 19. What ran the Chinese paddlewheel boats?
  9. 20. In which dynasty was tea first planted?
  10. 21. What century was the movable type created in?
  11. 22. What is Porcelain baked in?
  12. 23. Who was the first to make and produce steel?
  13. 24. In which dynasty was the movable type created?
  14. 25. Is it possible the Chinese alchemists invented gunpowder by accident?
  15. 27. What is something belonging or related to an emperor called?
  16. 28. Did rockets have gunpowder in them?
  17. 29. What was used to qualify candidates for positions in the government?
  18. 30. What is a ruling class of noble families called?
  1. 1. What foreign power was in control in the Yuan dynasty?
  2. 2. When was the arched bridge invented?
  3. 4. What was the name of the bomb the Chinese lit and threw by hand?
  4. 6. What type of pot is very strong yet light can still pass through it?
  5. 7. What were the separate watertight compartments in Chinese boats sealed with?
  6. 9. Who is known as the greatest explorer in Chinese history?
  7. 10. What is the growth of cities called?
  8. 12. What is the study of stars and planets called?
  9. 14. What is a line of rulers descended from one family called?
  10. 16. Who also attempted to build an arched bridge but did not do it as well as the Chinese?
  11. 18. What were artillery shells launched by?
  12. 26. What is the political leader of a territory containing several countries or groups of people called?
  13. 31. What is it called when a conquered country or territory pays tribute to the conqueror?