Imperialism Review

  1. 3. This continent is where the "scramble" happened.
  2. 7. The Europeans were interested in exploring west Africa in hopes of finding what?
  3. 10. The reason for imperialism was the hunt for these types of resource.
  4. 11. A word that describes old imperialism.
  5. 13. This conference was held so the Europeans could divide up Africa.
  6. 14. When a stronger country takes over a smaller country usually for economic reasons.
  1. 1. This poem was about the inferiority of non-western people. (Hint:W.M.B.)
  2. 2. This revolution gave Great Britain and advantage over other European countries.
  3. 4. The largest Asian country that was forced to open its ports.
  4. 5. Was there more or less territory gained by Imperial countries between 1870-1914?
  5. 6. This canal made the trip to India and Asia much faster.
  6. 8. African _____________ was in response to the hypocrisy of the colonial powers treatment of Africans.
  7. 9. Lin Xeu wrote a letter to Queen Victoria about this illegal trade.
  8. 12. The Sepoy rebellion and this "jab, hook, 1-2 to the head" rebellion were both against Imperialism.