Imperialism And World War 1

  1. 1. Wealthy landowners and the U.S. marines overthrew the monarchy of these islands in order to take over the islands?
  2. 4. This Native American leader was arrested and killed during his arrest before the Wounded Knee Massacre?
  3. 5. The Spanish-American War began because this island wanted help from the U.S. to fight for independence from Spain?
  4. 10. In this battle, Lt. Colonel George Armstrong Custer and his troops were slaughtered by the Sioux?
  5. 12. What were the "Indian Wars" fought over?
  6. 16. This island became a U.S. territory after the Spanish-AMerican War and its inhabitants were made U.S. citizens in 1917?
  7. 17. This telegram message proposed an alliance between Germany and Mexico against the U.S.?
  8. 18. The U.S. helped this country win independence and then had a canal built across it?
  9. 19. This is the idea that Native Americans should give up their ways and adopt those of white Americans?
  10. 20. This U.S. policy stated that we would not support or help either side in World War 1?
  1. 2. This word refers to the practice of spying or the use of spies?
  2. 3. The assassination of this individual led to World War 1?
  3. 6. White settlers began to move to this area, which was thought to be unsuitable for agriculture?
  4. 7. This is the term fro a country whose affairs are controlled by a stronger power (country)?
  5. 8. These were home built from sod or built into the side of a hill?
  6. 9. Native Americans preformed this dance in the hopes of restoring their way of life and to encourage the return of buffalo?
  7. 11. The idea that the U.S. should establish colonies overseas?
  8. 13. These laws enacted great penalties against anyone opposing U.S. participation in World War 1?
  9. 14. As a result of the Spanish-American War, Spain annexes these islands to the U.S. in return for $20 million dollars?
  10. 15. The sinking of this ship and the loss of American lives upon it led to many Americans to call for war?