Important Economics Terms (Easy)

  1. 3. The process or means by which buyers and sellers are brought together
  2. 5. A social science revolving around goods and services
  3. 9. A person who organizes resources and takes risks to produce products and profit.
  4. 10. Tangible products made by combining resources in some way, like a car
  5. 11. Human effort used to make or serve a product
  6. 13. Plural; things that are not necessary, but are beneficial
  7. 14. The system of economics in which economic questions are answered by government
  8. 15. Intangible products, an action performed by one person for another
  1. 1. Capital earned - capital spent in order to earn
  2. 2. A business organization
  3. 4. When demand for a product is greater than supply for said product
  4. 6. The system of economics America uses; Economic questions answered in market
  5. 7. Plural; things that are necessary, such as food and water
  6. 8. Plural; ____ of production; used to create what people want to pay for
  7. 12. Buys goods and services for their own benefit