Important People in Psychology

  1. 3. Conformity and impression formation experiments
  2. 7. universal grammar
  3. 10. misinformation effect
  4. 11. Attachment studies with baby monkeys
  5. 12. Studies emotions and their relation to facial expression
  6. 15. Cognitive Dissonance Theory
  7. 17. Client centered therapy, unconditional positive regard
  8. 18. Pseudopatient experiment
  9. 20. Standford prison experiment
  10. 23. forgetting curve
  11. 24. Analytic Psychology
  12. 27. "hidden observer" during hypnosis
  13. 28. Psychoanalysis
  1. 1. Father of cognitive theory, theories used in treatment of clinical depression
  2. 2. Father of Psychology
  3. 4. Intelligence test
  4. 5. Stage theory of moral development
  5. 6. Baby Albert
  6. 8. Stage theory of cognitive development
  7. 9. Rational emotive behavior therapy
  8. 13. Social-learning theory
  9. 14. psycho-social development
  10. 16. Analytical, Creative and Practical intelligence
  11. 19. attachment theory
  12. 21. Obedience studies
  13. 22. Prospect Theory
  14. 25. Classical conditioning
  15. 26. theory of multiple intelligences