In Nature

  1. 1. Stone
  2. 5. an elevation higher than a hill
  3. 7. a natural stream of water
  4. 8. a great body of salty water
  5. 9. dry land with few plants and little rainfall
  6. 10. a woody plant that lives for years and has a usually single tall main stem
  7. 11. a track made by foot travel
  8. 13. a fall of water usually from a great height
  9. 14. an open land area free of woods and buildings
  1. 2. the whole body of salt water that covers nearly three fourths of the surface of the earth
  2. 3. a dense growth of trees/lots of trees together
  3. 4. a large inland body of standing water
  4. 6. a field of grapevines
  5. 8. a small body of running water
  6. 12. a usually rounded height of land lower than a mountain