In the Beginning and Out of Egypt

  1. 2. Celebrating the greatness of God
  2. 3. Kindness or forgiveness when punishment is deserved
  3. 6. First book of the Bible
  4. 8. Exodus means
  5. 9. God can do all things according to His
  6. 12. Father-in-law to Moses
  7. 13. God rescues us through whom
  8. 14. God is ____, good and loving
  9. 15. Food that means "what is it"
  10. 17. Jacob's new name
  11. 18. Name of tower people tried to build to be famous
  12. 20. We are created in the image of
  13. 21. Desert bird
  1. 1. He was called to deliver God's people from captivity
  2. 4. God is our ____ and King
  3. 5. We trust God because He is
  4. 7. Genesis means
  5. 10. An agreement
  6. 11. Place Israelites received the 10 commandments
  7. 12. Son that tricked Isaac
  8. 13. Jacob's favorite son
  9. 16. God promised to bless the world through
  10. 19. Second book of the Bible