Incredibly Random & Hard Crossword!

  1. 5. where do we meet
  2. 8. Chinese phonetic symbols
  3. 10. animal that has the same amount of limbs as the Chinese lucky number
  4. 12. your vice president's last name
  5. 13. Swedish car but owned by China
  6. 14. your favorite Chinese Club pastime
  7. 15. what we hope for on Chinese New Year
  1. 1. name brand named after a Greek goddess
  2. 2. the day we meet
  3. 3. a green edible paste
  4. 4. giant, angry gorilla
  5. 6. actor in Crazy Rich Asians
  6. 7. your president's last name
  7. 9. a type of cabbage
  8. 11. uni where nike was founded