- 2. What is the large landmass that is part of a continent but distinct from it?
- 3. This is the state of wisdom Buddhists reach to get freedom from the cycle of rebirth.
- 7. This is a way of life and you must follow the Four Noble Truths.
- 12. What is the rebirth of the soul or spirit in different bodies over time?
- 14. What is the law that requires people to perform the duties of their caste?
- 15. In this religion you have four goals in life: Karma, Dharma, Artha and Moksha
- 16. This caste group held the rulers and warriors.
- 17. This is the word for when you do good, good things will happen to you. If you do bad, bad things will happen to you.
- 18. The writing system in India
- 1. What is the ocean to the South of India?
- 4. This caste group is the commoners. Farmers and Merchants
- 5. These people are not apart of the caste system and seen as outcasts.
- 6. What is the name of the social groups that divide Indian society?
- 8. What is the main mountain range in India?
- 9. This is the caste group that includes priests.
- 10. What is the seasonal wind that causes the seasons to change in India?
- 11. This caste group holds the most people. Manual laborers and servants.
- 13. What is the main river in India?