
  1. 2. In what city is Bollywood?
  2. 8. The English word for "valg"
  3. 10. The English word for "rød"
  4. 11. The Capitol of India
  5. 12. The English word for "reinkarnation"
  6. 14. The English word for "udstødt"
  7. 15. The name of the popular park in Delhi
  8. 18. Gandhi's first name
  9. 19. The English word for "en tale"
  10. 20. The English word for "forandring"
  11. 22. The English word for "moderne"
  12. 23. The English word for "magt"
  13. 25. The English word for "biler"
  1. 1. The name of the red dot on the women's forehead
  2. 3. The Indian version of Hollywood
  3. 4. The English word for "Fattigdom"
  4. 5. The English word for "grøn"
  5. 6. The biggest religion in India
  6. 7. The English word for "orange"
  7. 9. The English word for "fred"
  8. 13. The English word for "uafhængighed"
  9. 16. The name of the system India once lived by
  10. 17. The English word for "tre"
  11. 21. The English word for "nu"
  12. 24. The English word for "krige"