Indications for Medications Starting with Q - W

  1. 3. Treatment of infection, gonorrhea and syphilis with penicillin allergy, chronic bronchitis
  2. 6. Schizophrenia, depressive disorder, mania
  3. 10. Tuberculosis
  4. 11. Potassium loss, hypertension, edema, CHF
  5. 12. Management of GI ulcers, GI injury prevention from high dose aspirin and NSAID treatment
  6. 13. Duodenal ulcers, GERD, heartburn, esophagitis, GI bleed
  7. 14. Asthma, COPD, preterm labor
  8. 15. Reversable airway obstruction, exercise-induced asthma
  1. 1. Major depressive disorder, OCD, anxiety
  2. 2. PE, DVT, occluded lines, arterial thrombosis
  3. 4. Venous thrombosis, PE, A-fib, myocardial infarction
  4. 5. Management of diabetes insipidus, V-tach and V-fib unresponsive to initial shock, GI hemorrhage
  5. 7. Life threatening infections, sepsis
  6. 8. Hypertension, angina, SVT, migraine
  7. 9. Bronchitis, UTI, diarrhea, pneumonia, multiple types of infections