Induction of labor

  1. 3. Monitoring method for fetal heart rate
  2. 5. Position that may aid in labor progress
  3. 7. Type of medication used to ripen the cervix
  4. 8. Professional assisting in labor
  5. 10. The act of stimulating labor
  6. 13. Risk of induction includes uterine
  7. 14. A medical condition that may necessitate induction
  1. 1. A method involving a balloon catheter
  2. 2. Hormone often used in induction
  3. 4. A surgical procedure that may be performed during labor
  4. 6. Common reason for induction due to pregnancy duration
  5. 9. Medical procedure to start labor
  6. 11. Induction method involving artificial rupture of membranes
  7. 12. Common fetal heart rate range