Industrial Revolution

  1. 2. The __________ engine completely changed how boats, machines and other things were powered.
  2. 3. Adam ___________ is credited with the founding Capitalism through his book titled “The Wealth of Nations”
  3. 6. Charles Dickens famous story of _________ exemplified life for children in the IR
  4. 8. The ____________ was an invention that allowed looms to function must faster.
  5. 9. Factors of production are land, labor and ______________.
  6. 10. _____ is when cities experienced rapid growth during the Industrial Revolution
  1. 1. _______________ were developed to organize fields for cash crops but pushed people off their land and into the cities.
  2. 2. Equitable distribution of necessities and high taxes are a hallmark of _______________.
  3. 4. The first mass produced goods in factories were _______________.
  4. 5. Elimination of all social classes is at the heart of _________________.
  5. 7. As a result of the squalid conditions in growing cities, _____________ was a killer disease found in contaminated drinking water.
  6. 9. ___________ is an economic system that focuses on freedoms and investing.