Industrial Revolution vocab

  1. 3. Making a lot of product
  2. 7. Coworkers protecting eachother's rights
  3. 10. Made by henry bessemer
  4. 12. Universal pieces
  5. 14. Business owner
  6. 15. Making products by hand rurally
  7. 16. Cloth and fabric
  8. 18. Made by Thomas Newcomen
  9. 19. Buy more things
  10. 20. Bigger cities
  1. 1. Working
  2. 2. money
  3. 4. The increase of factories
  4. 5. Free enterprise
  5. 6. Fabric spinning machine
  6. 8. Buildings
  7. 9. Invented by Henry Ford
  8. 11. System where workers use more machines
  9. 13. Process of refining iron
  10. 15. A deadly disease that terrorized britain's water pumps
  11. 17. Small squared houses