Industrialization and Imperialism

  1. 7. caused a population shift of peasents moving into cities.
  2. 8. rulers treating the people like children.
  3. 9. german emperor.
  4. 10. the development of producing basic goods.
  5. 11. factors of production owned by individuals;not the government
  6. 13. a foreign nation controlled trade and investment.
  7. 14. land,labor,and capital.
  8. 19. war between russia and japan.
  9. 21. person who tries to start a business.
  10. 25. government owns and controls factors of production.
  1. 1. belief that only the fittest survive.
  2. 2. people moving from rural areas to cities.
  3. 3. class social class of skilled workers.
  4. 4. prussian prime minister.
  5. 5. machines together in a building.
  6. 6. began in Englan;the start of making good by machines.
  7. 12. when a strong nations basically takes over.
  8. 15. chinese attempt to stop opium.
  9. 16. peasents vs rich people.
  10. 17. adding new territory to another country.
  11. 18. all nations have chance to trade in china.
  12. 20. taking land for the location.
  13. 22. political theory.
  14. 23. government owns all property and dominates all life of the country.
  15. 24. belief that one race is better than the other.