Influential Psychologists

  1. 1. Known for his concepts of archetypes
  2. 2. Developed the hierarchy of needs
  3. 4. Brain damaged by a railroad spike (Not psychologist)
  4. 5. Known for his studies on conformity
  5. 9. Known for his experiments on dogs
  6. 10. Created the stages of psychosocial development
  7. 11. Developed the first widely used intelligence test
  8. 12. Developed the inferiority complex
  9. 13. Developed the theory of cognitive dissonance
  10. 15. Developed the sociocultural theory
  11. 16. Known for the "Bobo Doll" experiment
  12. 18. Developed the attachment theory
  13. 21. created the theory of cognitive development
  14. 22. Developed the drive reduction theory
  15. 23. known as "the father of behaviorism" and conducted the "Little Albert" experiment
  1. 1. Known as the father of American psychology
  2. 3. known for his "(blank) box" experiment
  3. 6. First female president of the APA
  4. 7. Known for his Stanford prison experiment
  5. 8. developed the theory of neurotic needs
  6. 14. Developed the law of effect
  7. 17. Known for his work with the unconscious
  8. 19. First president of the APA
  9. 20. Known for "Monkey" experiment
  10. 23. Established the first psychology lab