Information Goldmine Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. Spiritual, mental & biological poison that calcifies your pineal gland
  2. 7. another tinyurl goes after .com/
  3. 11. “Places” of existence
  4. 12. A website that shortens urls to make them easier to share
  5. 13. If it can be perceived in 2 or more contradicting ways or is truth and/or untrue 2 or more ways it is _
  6. 15. Spiritual and sacred organ that naturally produces melatonin, 5-MEO-DMT and DMT
  7. 17. Mind over matter. _ over mind
  8. 18. Last url exposing vaccines and the heinous and offensive crimes and criminals surrounding them and the ongoing deceptive criminal agendas taking place right now
  9. 19. Secret knowledge
  10. 20. The enemy Trojan-horse organization being used to get the new world order
  1. 1. Another’s one exposing ongoing crimes and threats to us all leading you to an uncountable amount of victims and another rabbit hole of information
  2. 2. What has been used to manipulate, control and enslave the minds of humanity for thousands of years
  3. 3. If it has multiple meanings reasons, descriptions, interpretations etc it is _
  4. 5. The treacherous evil plot to enslave every man, woman and child on this planet
  5. 6. The process of going to higher dimensions or plains of existence
  6. 8. The process of transforming the body into divine light
  7. 9. what goes after right now for you to go to the goldmine If intelligence left there for you
  8. 10. Used in URLs and is used at the end of tinyurls after .com
  9. 12. Sets you free
  10. 14. The opposite of freedom
  11. 16. If it’s intentionally not the truth it’s a _