Information Literacy & Searching Crossword.

  1. 5. The most common used free search engine.
  2. 7. The best place to search in a library's catalog when searching for something the library owns is in the [blank] catalog.
  3. 9. Information literacy standard formed in 1989.
  4. 11. The Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education is organized into [#] frames.
  5. 12. One of the largest Publishing companies, and an animal.
  6. 13. The best citation style for humanities.
  7. 14. Type of research source which a person writes about the results of someone else's research.
  8. 16. Type of research source which that the person created or did the research themselves.
  9. 17. The fourth concept that anchors the Information literacy framework is, ‘Research is a form of [blank]’.
  10. 19. [blank] searching is not good for a library catalog because it searches all the words.
  11. 20. It is best to do a [blank] search first then narrow it down.
  12. 22. The first step for a search string is creating a list of [blank]words.
  1. 1. [blank] national library catalog is a good point of access to the collections across Canada.
  2. 2. ‘AND’, ‘NOT’,& ‘OR’ are [blank] operators.
  3. 3. [blank] is defined as "...a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed and the ability to locate, evaluate and use effectively the needed information".
  4. 4. The second concept that anchors the Information literacy framework is, ‘Information creation is a [blank]’.
  5. 6. A type of hoax or deliberate spread of misinformation, be it via news or social media is called [blank] news.
  6. 8. Google [blank] is a good place to look up article publishers and see their articles and stats.
  7. 10. The first concept that anchors the Information literacy framework is, ‘[blank] is constructed and contextual’.
  8. 15. [blank] replaced the former Information Literacy standards.
  9. 18. If you put ‘NOT’ in an advanced search you will [blank] the search results.
  10. 21. The area of the internet that isn't necessarily bad, but contains intentionally concealed content is called the [blank] web.