
  1. 4. Favorite animal
  2. 5. My favorite soccer club
  3. 7. A sport car
  4. 9. the logo that look like camera
  5. 11. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
  6. 15. Madrid Soccer club that have Ronaldo
  7. 16. device
  8. 18. Everyday I go ______ to learn
  9. 19. soccer player
  10. 20. A gun
  1. 1. I like to play with my _______
  2. 2. Messi is from this country
  3. 3. my country
  4. 6. My favorite snack
  5. 8. Ronaldo is from this country
  6. 10. I play it in Interschool Sport
  7. 12. I like to play this sport
  8. 13. My favorite soft drink
  9. 14. I'm in grade
  10. 17. Soccer player