Insanity and Automatism

  1. 4. a disease which causes an automatic state
  2. 6. Another order from the special verdict
  3. 8. Where actions are involuntary
  4. 10. Main case on Insanity
  5. 11. Order from the special verdict
  6. 13. Absent-mindedly took items from a supermarket (1972)
  7. 14. Defect of _____
  8. 15. Sneezing case
  1. 1. Sleepwalking
  2. 2. a defence leading to a conditional acquittal
  3. 3. Walk free
  4. 5. Injured friend during an epileptic fit (1984)
  5. 7. Disorder in R V T
  6. 9. Disease of the ____
  7. 12. Criminal ________ Act 1991