Insurance Terms Crossword

  1. 3. Property protects home contents
  2. 4. coverage for your entire life with the policy growing like a savings account, yet more expensive
  3. 6. a percentage of the health care service you pay AFTER the deductible is paid
  4. 7. Liability protects from lawsuits of people injured on property
  5. 8. the amount charged for an insurance policy
  6. 9. protects home from theft and natural disasters (except floods and earthquakes)
  7. 10. coverage for a shorter time frame and less expensive
  1. 1. the maximum amount reimbursed by the insurance policy to cover a loss
  2. 2. the amount paid out-of-pocket, before insurance is paid, when filing a claim
  3. 5. of Use protects from expenses when home is uninhabitable (staying at hotel)