INT SCI.Vocabulary Qtr2

  1. 3. the limitations of your project (money, materials)
  2. 10. you can keep doing it without harming the environment
  3. 12. a prediction you test
  4. 14. panels consisting of photovoltaic cells
  5. 16. radioactive ore used in nuclear power plants
  6. 17. renewable resource captured by Wm Kamkwambe
  7. 19. breaking a forest into pieces
  8. 20. a tool to measure earthquakes
  9. 21. underground rivers
  1. 1. removal of salt to make drinking water
  2. 2. what must be done, in your environmental project
  3. 4. protected wetland where river meets ocean
  4. 5. a unit of time
  5. 6. natural hazard started underwater
  6. 7. a story to explain the results of many tests
  7. 8. motion
  8. 9. to make natural disasters less destructive
  9. 11. to test and score your model
  10. 13. average for each head
  11. 14. renewable energy source, available all day
  12. 15. Nikola Tesla wanted to make it free for humanity
  13. 18. layer of atmosphere consisting of positive and negative charges