Integrated crosswords

  1. 3. A cause for sudden onset of hemiparesis
  2. 6. Abnormal heart rhythm or rate
  3. 8. Role of iodine in Gram staining
  4. 10. A severe form of allergic reaction
  5. 11. test, A biochemical test using hydrogen peroxide to differentiate staphylococci from streptococci
  6. 12. Drug used for hypertension
  1. 1. A metabolic disease with high glucose level
  2. 2. Role of alcohol in Gram staining
  3. 4. violet, The primary stain in Gram staining method
  4. 5. The counter stain in Gram staining
  5. 7. A liver disorder due to abnormal bilirubin metabolism
  6. 9. A drug used to control fever