Integumentary System Medical Terminology

  1. 1. disease of hardening cornea
  2. 5. scaly skin condition
  3. 7. abnormal condition of tissue blood cells
  4. 11. abnormal itching condition
  5. 12. red blood cell
  6. 14. resembling white color
  7. 15. surgical removal of the nail
  8. 17. pertaining to the nipple
  9. 18. inflammation of the blood cells
  10. 20. surgical removal of fat
  11. 21. specialist in diseases
  12. 22. sebum cells
  13. 23. producing sensation to itch
  14. 24. situated below the skin
  15. 25. study of the covering skin and body
  16. 27. incision on the eyelid
  17. 28. hair cell
  18. 29. abnormal blue tint
  1. 2. abnormality of the hair
  2. 3. study of skin
  3. 4. abnormal death of cells
  4. 6. having/pertaining black pigment
  5. 8. study of the dry and scaly
  6. 9. using cold to cut
  7. 10. thick mass on the nail
  8. 13. mass of cancer
  9. 16. pertaining to perfuse sweating
  10. 19. cancerous mass/tumor
  11. 24. abnormal hardening condition
  12. 26. pus cells on the skin