Intensive Rearing

  1. 4. m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is restricted to make energy transfer more efficient.
  2. 9. These are given to the animals to stop the mass spread of disease.
  3. 10. An animal commonly used in intensive rearing.
  4. 11. Genetic diversity is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as a result of intensive farming.
  5. 13. The main purpose of intensive farming is to produce _ _ _ _ _ food.
  1. 1. Conditions are often c _ _ _ _ _ _ in factory farms.
  2. 2. This type of behaviour is a result of the conditions.
  3. 3. The temperature of factory farms is kept _ _ _ _ to stop energy loss.
  4. 5. These are burnt to provide the right conditions. Using these contributes to Global Warming.
  5. 6. _ _ _ _ _ pain is one example of a medical condition that animals can suffer from by being in confined conditions.
  6. 7. This type of farming stops animals living in their natural _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  7. 8. They are given to increase growth rates and increase productivity.
  8. 12. Animals are often kept in these.