Interactions in the Physical Environment (Review)

  1. 1. one of the things needed for soil
  2. 3. where the plats move apart
  3. 7. a string of volcanos and earthquakes around the edge of the Pacific Ocean
  4. 8. the second layer of the earth
  5. 10. two plays come together
  6. 12. the fourth layer of the earth
  7. 13. Flat plains between mountains
  8. 14. the outer layer of the earth
  9. 15. weathering of a natural material
  1. 2. the name of the man who purposed the theory that the earth was always in motion
  2. 4. who made a more complete version theory known as plate tectonics
  3. 5. low precipitation, temperature extreme variations from high to low
  4. 6. rain,snow,hail
  5. 9. two plates slide past each other
  6. 11. the third layer of the earth
  7. 16. something needed for soil